Dela nyhet
Break for SportLov
19 feb 2024 0 kommentarer
Team great start of off season! We will break for the next 2 weekends and pick up again on the 9th March, meeting in Gubbängen changing room at 11:30 for briefing on the coming season and training, with Martin (attack/backs coach and manager).
During Sportlov weekends the club will have touch games on Saturdays. You will be emailed directly with a Kallelser.
So far I’ve been very impressed with your team attitude and behaviour. Proof of this is we have picked up 4 new players. We still have time to recruit, so let’s target another 4 before the start of the season in May and keep up the welcoming attitude and team spirit.
We have an exciting plan for the season targeting 3x trips within Sweden and 1x trip abroad, probably to Ireland, at the end of the season. We are also targeting at least one training session every other week with the seniors.
Keep up the gym work and fitness. We will have another set of strength and conditioning tests in March. All of you have already improved on the bronco and 40m sprint times but let’s get closer to our targets.
Don’t forget to follow the exiles_p18_tt on Instagram for tips on training (kicking, tackling, passing etc) and tactics.