Dela nyhet
Summer and Autumn Preparations
13 jul 2023 0 kommentarer

The summer break is coming to an end and it is time to prepare for the autumn. There will be many games for the firsts and seconds so every player will be needed.
Everything kicks off on the 5-6 of August when we will host the Swedish Sevens championships. All the games and trainings can always be found here:
Please take a moment now (include your partner) and have a look at the schedule and plan accordingly. Most Saturdays are game days. If you already have plans for certain dates, that can not be changed, inform the coaches NOW.
On Saturday the 15th of July there will be a Sevens session 10-12 at Gubbängen. After that we are back to Tuesdays and Thursdays as usual. The sessions are in the calendar. Please answer if you can make it as it makes life easier for the coaches.
Welcome back to the action packed end of the year!